Mom Life: Studyville® Was Made for the Busy Family


Just in case anyone was wondering, a day in the life of a working mom was difficult before COVID, now it is absolutely insufferable.  I’m beyond exhausted.   And yes, exhaustion is a symptom of COVID…

I got tested, no luck.

I’d give anything for two weeks of people avoiding me.   But exhaustion is also a symptom of the busy mom life; it just comes with the territory.

I used to run the roads ragged with afternoon carpool and sports.  I still do, but there’s a difference:  I now have Studyville®.  Before Studyville®, we went from school to sports to play practice to dance and then came home at 7:30pm for our teens to have 3 hours of homework.  Cue screaming and crying over math (that was my husband.  Cue eyerolling from my teens).  I’m still running the roads, but now I swing by Studyville® and throw teens out to get their work done while I run off to get the next kid to and from the next event.  And when we get home, their work is all done.  Like magic.

Here’s how it works:

3:00pm:  Pick up kid #1 from school

3:30pm:  Thank God, drop kid #1 off at Studyville® where she listens to the tutors who apparently know soooo much more than I do

4:45pm:  Pick up kid #2 from sports practice.  Make note to bring fumigator next time, also note I still do not have COVID because I can definitely smell whatever it is that died on him.

5:15pm:  Drop off kid #2 at Studyville®, get kid #1 who will not leave already for her dance practice.  Honestly, she loves it there but we have places to go.

6:00pm:  No, I did not make your dinner, what exactly do you think I’ve been doing all day?  Algebra II Group Study Session at Studyville® has free pizza?  Yes, please.

7:00pm:  Dance pick up, Studyville® pick up, home.  Bathe, seriously, please bathe yourself.  With soap. (Why do I still have to say this to a teenager?)

8:00pm:  No Homework.  Hear that?  It’s peace as my husband and I have our wine, knowing our teens got their work done at Studyville® in the midst of a busy afternoon.  And I know they got their work done because the tutors emailed me to confirm this.  I didn’t have to check their Canvas. . . this is what peace is.

Afternoons were stressful before we joined Studyville®, and honestly they still are.  The difference?  We now have a safe place where our teens can be dropped off for even just 30 minutes to do their homework.  I can run to the store to grab something that looks like dinner or pick the cat up from the vet, or even run back to grab another kid from sports practice.  The sheer convenience of it makes the membership worth it; but the reward of knowing my teen is thriving and eager to learn makes it priceless.

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