Studyville’s New Booking System is Here

Studyville and Momence

To better serve our students and families, Studyville has upgraded to a new booking software: Momence. This system is designed to make scheduling tutoring sessions more seamless and efficient.

If you’re a current Studyville member, your account has already been moved over. All you need to do is reset your password if you haven’t already.

If you’re new to Studyville, you’ll need to create an account, which you can do either before booking or as the final step in the process.

How to Book a Session

You can access the new booking system in three ways:

  1. Through
  2. Via the Momence App (available in the App Store & Google Play)
  3. Directly at

Once you’re in the system, follow these steps to book your service:

  1. Select your location from the first dropdown menu.
  2. Choose your service—pricing and session durations are labeled on each option.
  3. Pick an available time slot.
  4. Select an available tutor.
  5. Set your home location. Once you attend your first session, this will default to your preferred location.
  6. Sign in or create an account. If you’re not a member, select “purchase drop-in” at checkout after signing in.
  7. Enter your payment information and click “reserve.”
  8. Arrive at Studyville 15 minutes before your scheduled session.

Once your account is created, you can manage appointments and book future services directly from your Momence dashboard.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or run into issues, please contact your nearest Studyville location:

Baton Rouge
(225) 408-4553

(318) 541-8655

We appreciate your patience as we transition to this new system. We’re confident that Momence will provide a better user experience for all moving forward.

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