10 Tips for the ACT 

act tips

The ACT® is the most important test you need to take to get you into college. It tests you on math, reading, English, and science. But don’t stress! Here are 10 tips from Studyville that will help you rock the test. 

1. Make sure you get enough sleep the night before 

act tips

A good night’s rest is essential if you want to make a good score. Sleeping well the night before will improve your focus and allow you the ability to recall the information you had previously studied.

If you’re tired, your performance level will drop, and you’ll be more likely to fall asleep during the test and lose essential time needed to complete the questions. 

2. Eat breakfast the morning of! 

act test tips

Research says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that isn’t without merit. Breakfast boosts your energy level and alertness, which you’ll need when taking the ACT. You need your energy to make it through the test, and alertness to help you concentrate on the test material.

Plus, when you take a four hour test with no snack breaks in between, the sound of your stomach gets louder than the thoughts in your head! 

3. Practice with pacing yourself 

act tips

Like previously mentioned, the ACT is a timed test. Which means you need to be comfortable with answering all the questions within the time constraints. Taking practice tests while timing yourself can help you refine your time management skills and help you stay on pace when it’s time for the real thing.

4. Strengthen your reading comprehension 

act tips

If the only time you read is on the ACT test, you most likely will not get a good score. The ACT reading and English portions depend heavily on reading comprehension. Taking time to read each day, whether it’s a book, or an article, or the back of your favorite cereal box, will prepare you for reading those long paragraphs the ACT likes to use. 

5. Make sure you have the materials you need 

act tips

Like Math? Hate math? Either way, you’ll need a calculator. Most ACT testing sites will ask you to bring in your own calculators. And remember, graphing calculators are allowed! Just make sure you bring in one with sufficient battery life to get you through. 

6. Be comfortable with the format 

The way the ACT tests you in time increments on each subject may be alien to some people. When you take the practice tests just like you would the actual ACT, it helps ease some of that test anxiety and makes taking the real test a little bit easier. 

7. If you’re not sure, get tutoring at Studyville! 

Studyville can help you get prepared for the test. We offer classes on ACT essentials (what you need to know) and ACT overdrive (that final push to get you ready!). Whether you’ve taken the test before or are a stranger to the ACT, we’ll help you be familiarized and prepared on everything you need to know. We can help you get your score to where you want it to be. 

8. Learn the formulas.

The ACT has formulas that it will not provide for you. You must memorize those formulas if you want to make that great score on the math portion of the ACT. 

9. Practice good test skills! 

Good test skills such as knowing the process of elimination, skipping the harder questions and coming back to them later to save your time, making sure to answer all of the questions even if you’re unsure, are great to know! Practicing and remembering those techniques will boost your score and help you ease some anxiety.

10. Don’t stress! 

act test taking tips

Stressing out will not do you any favors. If you’re feeling stressed, place both feet flat on the floor and take some deep breaths. That surge of adrenaline that comes with anxiety will make it harder for you to focus on the test itself. And if you’re stressed after the test because your score wasn’t perfect, don’t be!

If you don’t get your desired score the first time, it’s OK. You can easily retake it the next time the test is available. Colleges don’t look at your bad scores if you make a higher one. So if you mess up, don’t worry!!! You can always come back later and apply even more information that you’ve learned.

To learn more about Studyville’s ACT Prep services in Baton Rouge or Alexandria, LA, please see here.

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